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Day # 1 Bukisa: Pay per 1000 views


Today, day #1 of your freelancing writing career we will start with Bukisa. Bukisa is one of the best sites to start with for freelance writing. For getting success you should start by writing some article with area of your interest. Follow the given steps to be successful.

How does Bukisa work?

Bukisa pays you per 1000 view. The payment you receive for 1000 views is based on Bukisa Index which changes every month. The more you write and you will get more views.

Step 1: Write articles of your interest

You need find good topics to write on, your niche should have much competition. Try using Wordtracker for finding keyword for your article. This tool will help in SEO( Search Engine Optimization). Once you found keywords, write article using them. These tricks are very simple and hence can be used by any newbie.

Step 2: Just keep track of the most viewed page on Bukisa

You should always see what is selling. If you want to make money online you need to keep track of the current trends in you niche. Reading such articles will give idea for your next article. As a freelance writer you should know the current trends and writing about them makes you the best in your area. People will follow you and want to know more about your area.

Step 3: Make your Bukisa article title interesting

One of the best ways to attract traffic to your article is make your title more attractive. You will always click 'How make $500 from blogging" compared to "How to make successful blog". You can yourself make the difference, money attracts traffic. So titles like save money, earn money and easy cash are keyword in the title which is bind to get you more traffic.

Step 4: Add a lot of friends on Bukisa Community

Network with other in the writing community and visit their article, exchange comments and rate them well. You will receive a similar response from them and will get good visitor for your article.

The interesting part about Bukisa is the referral option. You get paid upto 3 downlines of referrals. For your direct referral you receive 25% of their earnings, 6.25% for their referral earnings and 1.625% for third level referral earnings. So tell more people about it. Freelancing writing in revenue sharing programs like this can be taken up by any student, retired professionals and house wives to make some extra cash.

Join the Bukisa Network Today.

<Click here>

I will releasing the next Entrecard list soon. Here is the link of the first list.


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