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PTC: Let’s review some websites

Today we are taking a break from the normal story and we will discuss something about each of the site Ajay has suggested in his course to his friends. I have been making some money from these sites with the help of college friends. These sites pay 100% to its members. I don't want to prove this by posting by my account transaction however; I am not against people who do so. Posting account transaction is definitely not my style.

Earning money online from PTC (Pay to click) takes a lot of time. Click ads in it is one part but equally important is to develop a network of people. Networking is something which helps you growing and is required in every walk of life.

We shall review each site I have posted till now. If you join under me just leave a comment and I shall give u tips of growing. If you decide to go otherwise, no problem I am still there to help you but you understand that will give preference to my referrals. :P . Just kidding. J

Trekpay: I love this site. This site is best rewards of your time. They aim of the site owner is to develop a web search system where they will pay you for every search you make. However, this site is in the beta phase hence you get 15-20 website to click each day and you are paid per click some credits. The value of the credit is decided based on total revenue generated and divided among members based on the credits accumulated.

Payout : $5.5

You get approximately up to 3 cents a click which is a good deal.

I will also recommend to use the Trekpay advertising as it brings to you good traffic at a very low cost. (click here to join)

Bux.gs: Good PTC site, pay it pays you $ 0.015 for each site you visit and $.01 for each site your referral visit. The calculation here is simple.

Click ten ads per day =$.15

Make 20 referral you click 10 ads per day = $2.0You

You make monthly income of $ 64.50 on internet. This is a decent pay for clicking ads.

Another feature which I like about this site is referral buying. You can rent/buy referral in this site. Hence this will help you increase your income. I am not sure how are they gaining from this still I think some of the referral you buy may be inactive.

If you wish to join as a clicker click here.

You can also use Bux.gs to get traffic hence try it here.


Hits4pay is a cool option for clickers, giving clickers $.02 per click which is a good deal. You will have to wait for the site to get yourself approved the admins. However, you will need submit your tax info for receiving your payment.

That all for today guys. Hope, you liked it. Leave comments on which is your PTC site.


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